Help From a Professional
Kimberly Chu, LCSW, DCSW is a highly-trained and experienced psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, and consultant who has worked for over 20 years with adults, children, and adolescents who have been adopted or in foster care. She is well-aware and sensitive to the fact that, although there may be similarities in adoption stories, each adoptee and each family is unique. Each party brings an individual mix of history, emotions, beliefs, and concerns.
Although adoption may be a central issue in an adult or child's life, it is not the only issue. An experienced therapist will be able to assist a person in sorting through and understanding the many aspects of a wide-range of concerns. An experienced adoption therapist will have in-depth knowledge and experience working with the often-complex issues related to adoption and be able to help a person and family better understand how an adoption history influences emotional life and the challenges encountered today.
Kimberly's clinical experience is broad, yet finely tuned in a way that has allowed her to practice in a number of specialties with a diverse population of families and individuals. She has run post-adoption groups in agency settings, provided parent guidance and psychoeducation, and worked for nearly a decade in hospital child and adolescent psychiatry. She has written, lectured and provided clinical services to adults, children and families whose struggles relate to issues of ethnicity, culture, and identity. She is particularly experienced in working with nontraditional families and interracial adoptions.
Kimberly partners with patients and families to arrive at optimal treatment approaches and ways to discover new choices and better outcomes. Her approach is collaborative and comprehensive, with a focus on respect for the individual and family-- in all its configurations.